Chemical properties of superfluid helium
Some unusual properties of He-II:
- The puzzle of its viscosity:
- It flows through the finest capillaries with no apparent resistance
- There is a finite drag of fluid in torsional experiments (Keesom, Andronikashvilli)
- Thermo-mechanical couplings:
- No boiling bubbles
- Heating of a pressurized compartment in the superflow experiment
- The fountain effect
- Interactions: He-II is a practically incompressible liquid due to hard-core interactions, while the ideal BEC has no compressibility!
- Differences in the heat-capacity curves:
- The superfluid fraction not vanish linearly at the transition point
- The normal fraction does not vanish as T^ at zero temperature
- Colloquium (pdf) by Sebastien Balibar on the occasion of Lazlo Tisza's 100th birthday (1907-2009)
- Movie on Superfluidity by Alfred Leitner (offline)
8.333 Superfluid Helium