Health Department

Businesses and agencies that distribute food and/or drinks to the public need an annual Food license. All retail food businesses, mobile food vendors and non-profit food vendors must be inspected by Ocean County Health Department and approved before applying for a Food Handlers License. The County Health Department may be reached at 732-341-9700, to schedule an inspection. Access the following documents to apply:

Swimming Pools

Public pools must have a municipal license pursuant to the Code of the Township of Toms River and State law. For regulations, see Municipal Codes, Chapter 579. This includes, but is not limited to, hotels and motels, apartments, condominium associations and gyms.

Owners/operators also need an electrical permit from Building Department. Access the swimming pool application (PDF).

Immunization Programs

The Ocean County Health Department offers flu-shot clinics in a variety of locations during the year. Please call 732-341-9700 for dates and locations, as well as other types of immunization programs or visit their website.

Annual Rabies Clinic

Toms River sponsors a free Rabies Clinic every year. A notice will be published in the newspaper and posted on the webpage in January. Clinics are scheduled in other towns throughout the year. Residents can attend any free rabies clinic within Ocean County.

Kennels, Pet Shops, Shelters & Pounds

In accordance with State law, kennels, pet shops, shelters and pounds must be licensed by the Township and inspected by the Ocean County Health Department each year. For local regulations, please see Section 165 (Animals and Animal Establishments) in the Municipal Codes section of the website. Access the kennels, pet shops, shelters and pounds application (PDF).

Goose Control Program

An infestation of Canada Geese often creates unhealthy and unsanitary conditions at Huddy Park and other recreational areas in the Township. Based on experiences in other municipalities, the Township Council has determined that this infestation can be controlled in a non-harmful way by permitting the non-commercial use of pet dogs to run at-large in affected facilitates on a limited basis and at limited time.

For more information, view the following links: